— Kurt GödelThe formation in geological time of the human body by the laws of physics (or any other laws of similar nature), starting from a random distribution of elementary particles and the field is as unlikely as the separation of the atmosphere into its components.
Genetic algorithms are widely cited as demonstrating the power of natural selection to produce biological complexity. In particular, the success of such search algorithms is said to show that intelligent design has no scientific value. Despite their merits, genetic algorithms establish nothing of the sort. Such algorithms succeed not through any intrinsic property of the search algorithm, but rather through incorporating sources of information derived from the programmer’s prior knowledge. A genetic algorithm used to defend the efficacy of natural selection is Thomas’s Steiner tree algorithm. This paper tracks the various sources of information incorporated into Thomas’s algorithm. Rather than creating information from scratch, the algorithm incorporates resident information by restricting the set of solutions considered, introducing selection skew to increase the power of selection, and adopting a structure that facilitates fortuitous crossover. Thomas’s algorithm, far from exhibiting the power of natural selection, merely demonstrates that an intelligent agent, in this case a human programmer, possesses the ability to incorporate into such algorithms the information necessary for successful search.
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